Announcing the release of SOUR PUSS. Willow the family cat joins Madi and Colin in this fun little story about how listening to complaining may not be as easy as they think. Come and enjoy their Lemonade/Complaints department! Part of the proceeds from each book sold benefits the Make-A-Wish Foundaiton International.
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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Madi has Cerebral Palsy and when she was very young we read & read books while waiting at appointments. After a while we owned every Robert Munsch, Franklin and Arthur book there was! I started making silly versions of those stories and then eventually started making up our very own stories!
This book and the ones to follow are about Madi, not disabilities; like a little girl at the park once said to me her wheel chair is a fancy accessory!

1 comment:

l said...

We just received your book and enjoyed it very much...I hope you won't mind but I even did a little post about it on my blog
here is the link for you: